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Debbie Meyer

Pondering Creativity

At this time of the year, it's easy to lose sight of our own creativity and the mindfulness that fosters it. We become even busier than we were last month and we seem to put "on hold" the ability to grant ourselves permission to experience the joy of being creative. "Overwhemedness" and exhaustion becomes a status symbol and we feel that our self-worth is determined by productivity.

This month I am encouraging my art students to embrace creativity with these steps:

1. Stop comparing your work to others. It's easy because we are so readily exposed to so much art to find ourselves insufficient and our efforts unworthy. Don't do that! Create with a free spirit and find the beauty in your creations.

2. Be playful. Remember the childhood joy of new crayons and paper. Try something new. Find rest in a refreshing state of healing through your creativity whatever it is.

3. Claim your right to explore! Creation offers a little vacation from the busyness of our lives. When your mind is fully engaged in making, you're offered a calmness and a sense that life's struggles have taken the back seat for a bit.

Give your mind and heart a little Christmas present - do something creative! Share the thing that makes your heart sing.

Merry Christmas.

Now go get messy!


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